Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Release/1.6.0-News

Nov 3, 2008, 10:42:39 AM (15 years ago)
Even Rouault



  • Release/1.6.0-News

    v4 v5  
    101101 * Added GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2()
    103  * Massive warp kernel upgrade contributed by Seth Price: fixed number of problems with Cubic Spline and Lanczos resamplers, multiple performance improvements.
     103 * warper: massive upgrade that fixes number of problems with Cubic Spline and Lanczos resamplers, multiple performance improvements.
     104 * Implement overview building for paletted rasterbands with average resampling by selecting the nearest entry after averaging on R,G,B components (#2408)
    104105 * Fix destination coordinate system setting logic in GDALReprojectImage (#2231)
    105106 * Modify GDALChecksum to give it a deterministic behaviour when given a GDT_[C]Float[32|64] rasterband with NaN and Inf values. The result is backward compatible with previous implementations with finite values
    106107 * Add options to RPC transformer, use for RPC_HEIGHT offset
    107108 * TPS : fix uninitialized variables (#2300), fix wrong behaviour with negative coordinates  (#2615)
    108  * Implement overview building for paletted rasterbands with average resampling by selecting the nearest entry after averaging on R,G,B components (#2408)
    109109 * gdalgeoloc.cpp : Fix crash in GDALCreateGeoLocTransformer if X_DATASET, etc... cannot be opened (#2434)
    110110 * warper: Prevent crashes when srcAlphaBand and dstAlphaBand are wrong
    403403 * Fix #2249 : shift when writing NITF color table with nColors < 256
    404404 * Prevent crash with LUT entry count > 256
    405  * Disable unnecessary VSIFFlush() calls. They are very expensive on some systems.  I believe they were originally included due to problems on
    406 poorly behaved stdio implementations (solaris?).
     405 * Disable unnecessary VSIFFlush() calls that slowdown writing on some systems
    407406 * Apply untested RPC00A remapping (#2040)
    408407 * Fix #2135 by narrowing workaround test made for #1750