= GDAL/OGR 1.4.3 - Overview of Changes = '''THE GDAL/OGR 1.4.3 RELEASE HAS BEEN RETRACTED DUE TO AN ABI INCOMPATABILITY WITH 1.4.0,1.4.1 and 1.4.2. A REPLACEMENT 1.4.4 RELEASE WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON.''' The GDAL 1.4.3 release is a stable release, and contains the following bug fixes. == GDAL == * Fix handling of gmljp2 files with srsName only on Envelope. #1906 * Fix handling of urn:x-ogc (use importFromURN() method). #1906 * Add GMLJP2OVERRIDE configuration option mechanism to set custom GMLJP2 from a file. #1906 * Improved internalize memory allocation failure report, release lock on failure. #1914 AAIGRID Driver: * Fix in calculation of yllcorner value. #1794 ECW Driver: * Fix memory leak in ECWDataset::IRasterIO() function. #1922 GeoTIFF Driver: * Fix issue with mixed Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP and Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP. #1315 * Fix handling of partial bottom tiles/strips. #1179 * Fix issue with mixed names of WGS72 and WGS84 in libgeotiff code. #1715 * Improved detection of already computed overview levels. #1722 * Fix memory failures with allocating 64K entry color tables on stack. #1736 * Fix zero value issue in building pixel interleaved GeoTIFF files. #1738 * Fix memory issue with big color table arrays on stack. #1759 * Prevent GDAL 1.4.3 from building with libtiff 4.x. #1920 GIF Driver: * Fix compilation issues on Red Hat EL 5 (64-bit). #1700 HDF Driver: * Fixed heap corruption while reading some files. #1701 HFA Driver: * Fix building overviews on an Imagine-created HFA file. #1109 * Made reading variations aux.xml files more bulletproof. #1691 * Fix calculation of min/max statistics for Erdas Imagine datasets. #1702 * Fix band value rounding issue in palletized Imagine rasters. #1732 * Ensure .ige and .rrd get cleaned up when creating new files. #1784 * Added missing bytes swapping when opening spill files. #1841 * Fix issue with looping HFAEntries. #1907 JPEG Driver: * Fix in byte swapping logic for small EXIF values. #1786 * Fix issue with creating temporary files. #1795 * Bulletproof handling of corrupted EXIF data. #1904 NITF Driver: * Fix handling corrupted location table for some uncertain images. #1313 * Fix handling corrupted RPF header. #1714 * Fix bounding box for CADRG files crossing meridian 180°. #1750 PCRaster Driver: * Replaced assert() macro with CPLAssert(). #1830 RAW Driver: * Fix in keyword=value processing logic. #1792 Warper: * Fixed Cubic Spline and Lanczos interpolators. #1610 * Fix in geolocation support. #1919 Utilities: * Fix in segmentation fault issue in scanline burning algorithm. #1936 == OGR == * Fix handling wkbLinearRing geometry in OGR_G_GetArea. #1755 CSV Driver: * Added support of new data types: date, time, datetime. #1761 ISO8211 Driver: * Improved handling multi-byte character strings. #1526 ESRI Shapefile Driver: * Fix memory allocation during building of spatial index tree of high depth. #1594, #1790 * Updated documentation. #1942 Generic Driver: * Fix opening of .ind file in read-only mode. #1620 GML Driver: * Fix truncation of attribute values. #1844 KML Driver: * Fix anti-clockwise order of polygon coordinates. #1704 MapInfo Driver: * Improved multi-thread safety. #1883 MySQL Driver: * Fix creation issue of features with 3D geometry. #1848 ODBC Driver: * Fix error message when corrupted WKT data detected. #1901 PostgreSQL Driver: * Fix Primary Key detection logic. #1889 * Fix data truncation issue for character type fields. #1902 VRT Driver: * Fix copying of virtual dataset with empty filename. #1749 == Other == * Added CPLScanULong function to port library. #1706 Building: * Fix Windows CE port compilation issues. #1634 * Fix expanding of version number in Mac OS X Framework builds. #1879 OGRSpatialReference: * Fix wrong method call in OSRSetBonne() function. #1695 * Fix handling EPSG authority code in ESRI format. #1697 * Fix segmentation fault when exporting empty SRS to PROJ.4 definition. #1718 * Added direct translation for GDA94 and ED50 when importing ESRI SRS. #1729 * Avoid applying the prime meridian offset in PROJ.4 import. #1940 SWIG * Fix Python typemap for getting length from string. #1712