= GDAL/OGR 1.11.2 Release Notes = The 1.11.2 release is a bug fix release. == Build == * configure: fix detection of OCI by changing linking order to please modern GCC (#5550) * configure: fix test to accept MariaDB 10.X as valid MySQL (#5722) * More compiler warnings addressed (#5414) * Windows build of PDF: fix compilation issue with Visual Studio 2012 (#5744) * Windows build: Add support for MrSID 9.1 SDK (#5814) * Windows build: when building netCDF, HDF4, HDF5 as plugins, call registration of 'sub-drivers' GMT, HDF4Image and HDF5Image (#5802) == Port == * CSV finder: Stop probing for csv/horiz_cs.csv. (#5698) * /vsicurl/: avoid reading after end-of-file and fix failure when reading more than 16MB in a single time (#5786) * CPLHexToBinary(): faster implementation (#5812) == GDAL Core and algorithms == * Make GetMaskBand() work with GDT_UInt16 alpha bands (#5692) * Fix 32bit overflow in GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO() (#5713) * RPC transformer: take into account nodata in RPC DEM (#5680) * RPC transformer: add RPC_DEM_MISSING_VALUE transformer option to avoid failure when there's no DEM at the transformed point (#5730) * Fix GDALSuggestedWarpOutput() wrong extent in some circumstances (e.g. dataset of big dimension with world coordinates) (#5693) * Fix crash when calling GetTiledVirtualMem() on non-Linux platform (#5728) * warp: fix integer overflow when reprojecting into an area with (part of) bounds completely outside of the source projection (#5789) * OpenCL warper: fix OpenCL code compilation with NVIDIA OpenCL (#5772) == Utilities == * gdalwarp: initialize destination dataset to no_data value when automatically propagating source nodata (#5675) * gdalwarp: only apply INIT_DEST when processing the first input dataset (#5387) * gdaldem: avoid too large files to be produced when using -co COMPRESS=xxxx -co TILED=YES (#5678) == GDAL drivers == GRASS driver: * fix compilation issues against GRASS 7 (#2953) GIF driver: * fix crash on images without color table (#5792) * validate the size of the graphic control extension block (#5793) GTiff driver: * Internal overviews: for near, average, gauss, and pixel interleaving, make sure to use the same code path for compressed vs uncompressed overviews (#5701) * allow lossless copying of CMYK JPEG into JPEG-in-TIFF (#5712) * when overriding metadata in update mode, make sure to clear it from PAM file (#5807) * fix GTiffRasterBand::DirectIO() to work with TIFF files with multiple directories (overviews, masks) (#5831) * Internal libtiff: partial (mostly security related fixes) upgrade to 4.0.4beta (#5830) ISIS3 driver: * fix to recognize IsisCube.Mapping.LatitudeType = Planetocentric (#5717) JP2OpenJPEG driver: * add compatibility with OpenJPEG 2.1 (#5579) JPEG driver: * Report non-fatal libjpeg errors as CE_Warning (or CE_Failure if GDAL_ERROR_ON_LIBJPEG_WARNING = TRUE) (#5667) KMLSuperOverlay driver: * remove useless and unreliable computations on floating point numbers that caused issues (truncated raster) on 32bit (#5683) USGSDEM driver: * take into account horizontal unit = ft in the UTM case (#5819) VRT driver: * fix RasterIO() to be able to fill buffers larger than 2GB (#5700, #5734) == OGR core == * ogr_core.h: only ignore -Wfloat-equal for IsInit() and not for the rest of the file and files that inc it (#5299) * OGR layer algebra: properly initialize field maps to avoid Valgrind warnings in OGRLayer::Update() (#5778) == OGR drivers == CSV driver: * fix segfault when reading allCountries.txt of geonames.org (#5668) FileGDB: * avoid emitting error when opening a FileGDB v9, so that OpenFileGDB can be tried to open it, in the case FileGDB is a plugin (#5674) GeoJSON driver: * ESRIJson: parse correctly rings of esriGeometryPolygon objects to build correct Polygon or MultiPolygon (#5538) GML driver: * Fix incorrect geometry cast when reading GML topogeometries (#5715) * Update GFS files for RUIAN (UVOH & OB) (#5770) LIBKML driver: * when skipped, fix segfault on second OGRRegisterAll() call (#5775) * do not delete the libkml singleton factory (linked to #5775) MapInfo File driver: * Add GDA94 datum entries to the lookup table (#5671) * fix segfault in CreateFeature() if passing an invalid OGR feature style string (#1209) MSSQL driver: * Fix recognizing image columns as geometry columns for the select layers. (#5498) * Fix issue when creating non-spatial table (#5696) * Fix to read metadata if the tables are specified in the connection string (#5796) * Fix invalid use of CSLAddString() in OGR MSSQL (#5810) * Fix crash if the tablename is specified in the connection string (#5826) MySQL driver: * don't be dependant on locale when building spatial filter (#5720) NAS driver: * make chevrons configurable by NAS_INDICATOR (#5708) OCI driver: * Initialize member variable to avoid UpdateLayerExtents() to be called randomly on non spatial tables (#5376) * fix FID (multi_load=off, OGRNullFID) - start with 1 (not -1) (#5454) OpenFileGDB driver: * fix ResetReading() on SQL layer with ORDER BY on indexed column (#5669) * add support for non spatial GDB v9 tables (#5673) SQLite/Spatialite driver: * remove 'T' suffix when formatting the content of a Date field (#5672) * fix segmentation fault when executing OGR2SQLITE_Register() when compiling against sqlite 3.8.7 (#5725) * make GetFIDColumn() work when run as first method call (#5781) VRT driver: * do not propagate ignoring of x and y cols of a PointFromColumns to the source layer (#5777) XLSX driver: * fix column numbering when there are more than 26 columns (#5774) == SWIG Language Bindings == Python bindings: * Fix hang of Python in case of repeated call to gdal/ogr.UseExceptions() and CE_Warning emitted (#5704) * fix processing error of ogr_python.i with SWIG 3 (#5795) * NUMPY driver: avoid returning CE_None in GetGeoTransform() when there's no geotransform set (#5801)