= GDAL/OGR 1.10.1 Release Notes = The 1.10.1 release is a bug fix release. == Build == * Compilation fixes for iOS (#5197, #5198) == GDAL Core == * Fix VSISubFileHandle::Eof() behaviour to be POSIX compliant, so that the shapefile reader can read the last feature when using /vsitar (#5093) * vsicache: fix for 32bit binaries when file size is over 2GB (#5170) * warper: Fix warping when input pixel size is too close to 0 (#5190) * GDALFillNodata(): Fix use of uninitialized memory and integer overflows (#4010, #5203) == Utilities == gdalwarp: * Fix segfault where metadata values weren't being nullchecked properly during conflict resolution. (#5069) * make gdalwarp honor -s_srs when using cutline (#5081) gdaltindex: * remove annoying warning 'Warning 1: Field location of width 255 truncated to 254' (#5121) rgb2pct.py: * Use python tempfile logic to avoid permissions issues with cwd (#5079) ogr2ogr: * make detection of duplicated field names case insensitive (#5208) == Bindings == Python bindings: * Fix ref-counting of callable passed to gdal.PushErrorHandler() (#5186) == GDAL drivers == BAG driver: * Recognise falseNorthing=10000000 as UTM South (#5152) ERS driver: * Fix wrong interpretation of RegistrationCellX/RegistrationCellY (#2612, #3056, #5075) HDF5 driver: * Set SRS GEOGCS for all CSK products (reverts r25801, #4160) * Support HDF5 NATIVE_SCHAR type, subdatsets without PAM (#5088) * Release all opened handles so the file is closed at dataset closing (#5103) GTiff driver: * Convert invalid TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=0 to 1(Unknown). This commonly comes about when gdalwarp attempts to resolve metadata conflicts. (#5069) HFA driver: * fix rewriting of statics in existing HFA file where base data value is 8-bit (#5175) JPEG driver: * Add autodetection of bitmasks that are msb ordered. The JPEG_MASK_BIT_ORDER config option can also be set to MSB if the heuristics fails. (#5102) KMLSuperOverlay driver: * fix horrible speed performance in Open() (#5094) * fix crash at dataset closing and inability to read some big PNG tiles (#5154) LCP driver: * Update to handle projections better (#3255) NetCDF driver: * fix for netcdf driver cannot read netcdf-4 files with UBYTE data (#5053) * fix reading large netcdf-4 files with chunking and DEFLATE compression (#4484) * fix netcdf chunking when creating file with > 2 dims ; add CHUNKING creation option (#5082) * fix duplicate nodata metadata when using CreateCopy() (#5084) * fix copying large metadata in netcdf driver (#5113) * fix netcdf geotransform detection (#5114, #5118) * fix netcdf driver irregular grids management (#5118 and #4513) NITF driver: * Support reading horizontal and/or vertical mono-block uncompressed images, even when the number of columns is <= 8192 (#3263) PDF driver: * Avoid reporting a Poppler error as a GDAL error on some newer USGS GeoPDF files (#5201) PDS driver: * Parse correctly MISSING_CONSTANT = 16#FF7FFFFB# ; add support for ENCODING_TYPE = ZIP (data file compressed in a ZIP); recognize IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION as an object included in UNCOMPRESSED_FILE object (#3939) PostgisRaster driver: * Dataset open is now much faster because properties are fetched from raster_columns view, if available. In case of not, the drive warns the user and scans the whole table. (#5046) VRT driver: * Make sure that VRTSourcedRasterBand::AddMaskBandSource() takes into account specified window (#5120) == OGR core == * fix handling of method field mapping to output fields when output fields are precreated (#5089) * Initialize bIgnore flag in OGRFieldDefn constructor (#5164) * OGR SQL: Fix thread-safety of swq_op_registrar::GetOperator() (#5196) * OSR: fix order of AXIS and UNIT nodes in a VERT_CS node (#5105) * OSR: Fix OGRSpatialReference::importFromProj4() to work with non-C locale (#5147) * OSR: Add sanity checks in OGR_SRSNode::importFromWkt() (#5193) * OSR_ESRI: Fix crash in CleanupESRIDatumMappingTable() if it is called twice (#5090) * OSR_ESRI: morph central_latitude to latitude_of_origin in morphFromESRI() (#3191) == OGR drivers == CSV driver: * Avoid erroneously reset of file content when opening in update mode a file without header (#5161) DXF: * fix writing of 25D linestring where z is not constant (#5210) FileGDB driver: * implement ref counting of the FileGDB SDK API' Geodatabase* object to avoid issues on Linux 64bit with interleaved opening and closing of databases (#4270) GeoRaster driver: * Fix RPC support (#4038) GML driver: * Fix writing of .xsd file to avoid fid/gml_id being written as regular fields (#5142) * Fix writing of global srsName attribue on the global boundedBy.Envelope when all layers have same SRS (#5143) * Fix segfault when reading a GML file with huge coordinates (#5148) * Avoid opening our own .xsd files as valid datasources (#5149) KML driver: * Output KML that validates the ogckml22.xsd schema by placing elements under the level (#5068) * In writing mode, avoid defining an extending schema for the name and description fields (related to #5208) MSSQLSpatial driver: * Fix MSSQL to be aware of removed tables (#5071) * Eliminate the per table server access when identifying the spatial reference (#5072) OSM driver: * Always use quoting of key/values in other_tags field so as to produce a valid value for PostgreSQL hstore column (#5096) PG driver: * let PostgreSQL name the constraints to avoid long name truncation resulting in conflicts (#5125) OCI driver: * fix make plugin option (Unix build) PGDUMP driver: * fix error when inserting a string that has backslash in it with PostgreSQL >= 9.1 (#5160) Shapefile driver: * Fix buffer overflow when creating a field of type Integer with a big width (#5135) SQLite driver: * Spatialite: correctly set proj4text field of spatial_ref_sys when inserting a new SRS in the spatial_ref_sys table (#5174)