This page was created to list/track progress as a supplement to work in October 2011 on wiki:NetCDF_Improvements, specifically wiki:NetCDF_exportUpdateChanges. The list of supported CF-1.5 projections is shown at . Hopefully the shorthand projection names listed below are fairly self-explanatory - they've been listed in the same order as that shown on the CF-1.5 appendix page. ||'''Projection'''||'''Export- CF compliance'''||'''Export - openable by NetCDF Java'''||Updated||Note|| ||AEA||Yes||Yes||18/10/11||Tested regular 2SP version - see AEA note below.|| ||AzEq||Yes||No||18/10/11||See (1) below|| ||LAzEqA||Yes||Yes||18/10/11|||| ||LC-2SP||Yes||Yes||18/10/11||Tested 2SP version - CF-1 claims to have a 1SP version, but params quite different to OGC WKT so not tested. See note below.|| ||LCEA||Yes||No||18/10/11||Tested regular OGC WKT with 1 std parallel version (CF-1 has alternative, see notes below). See (1) below re NetCDF-Java loading.|| ||M-1SP||Yes||No||18/10/11||See (1) below|| ||M-2SP||Yes||Yes*||18/10/11||Parameters appear correct, loads in NetCDF Java and IDV, but appears translated from expected position|| ||Ortho||Yes||Yes||18/10/11|||| ||Polar St||Yes*||?||18/10/11||See projection comments below|| ||Rot Pole||N||N||18/10/11||See projection comments below|| ||St||Yes||Yes||18/10/11|||| ||TM||Yes||Yes||18/10/11|||| '''General notes''': (1) For projections that won't load correctly as referenced grids in NetCDF Java, we've contacted the developers to ask for clarification/testing support. In most cases, the CF-1 attributes seem appropriate.[[BR]] '''Issues with CF-1 implementation of specific projections''': * AEA (Albers Equal Area): The OGC WKT version has 2 Std parallels - whereas the CF-1.5 version says it can have either 1 or 2 std parallels. How would the 2SP version be converted to a CF 1SP version, and vice-versa? * LCC (Lambert Conformal Conic): The OGC WKT 'Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP' maps clearly to LC in CF-1 with 2 std parallels. The CF-1 spec claims that a 1SP version can be used, but it doesn't include a 'scale_factor' as does the OGC WKT 'Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP'. Is there a way to do this conversion? * LCEA (Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area): The CF-1 conventions claim this can be encoded with a 'scale_factor_at_projection_origin' alternative to standard parallel - how would this conversion be done back from OGC WKT? * Polar St (Polar Stereographic): This projection's parameters in CF-1 are quite unusual, and significantly different from In particular finding a CF-1 equivalent for 'latitude of natural origin' is proving difficult. * Rot pole (Rotated Poke): Not able yet to test: as seems GDAL needs support of advanced proj4 strings that can handle rotated coord systems.