= Support for measured geometries in drivers = The support for measured geometries has been implemented in the core. However, it will take some time for the support to be implemented / work in production ready quality in the drivers. On this page the work is described. == Utilities == ogr2ogr : * -dim was extended to support XY, XYZ, XYM, and XYZM (discussion: https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2016-February/043728.html) * -nlt now supports M and ZM suffixes thanks to enhancement to OGRFromOGCGeomType ogrinfo: * -geom was extended to support WKT and ISO_WKT and the latter was set as the default (discussion: https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2016-February/043734.html) == Memory == === Status === * Implemented, no known issues === Existing tests === * pass === New tests === * swig/perl/t/00-measures-02.t pass === Documentation === * to be done == ESRI Shapefile == === Status === * Implemented * The "no data" (value < -10^38^) value for M is not observed. === Existing tests === * pass without changes (changes were undone) === New tests === * swig/perl/t/00-measures-03.t pass === Documentation === * Support for measures is mentioned, also the SHPT creation option list is updated. == PostgreSQL == === Status === * Implemented === Existing tests === * pass === New tests === * swig/perl/t/00-measures-04.t pass (also for PostGIS 1.5.8) === Documentation === * to be done