= FileGDB = * http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_filegdb.html = Build GDAL with FileGDB Support = == Download the API/SDK == * http://resources.arcgis.com/content/geodatabases/10.0/file-gdb-download (you will need an 'ESRI Global Account') == Compile == === Windows === You will have to compile filegdb as a ''plugin'' for GDAL: 1. Compile GDAL with the FGDB section commented 2. Now edit your ''nmake.opt'' so it contains something like: {{{ FGDB_ENABLED = YES FGDB_PLUGIN = YES FGDB_SDK = $(GDAL_HOME)\..\FileGDB_API_VS2008_1_0Final FGDB_INC = $(FGDB_SDK)\include FGDB_LIB = $(FGDB_SDK)\lib\FileGDBAPI.lib }}} 3. Next, cd to the ''/ = Testing the driver =