= FWTools = This Wiki page is dedicated to FWTools package, a [wiki:DownloadingGdalBinaries binary distribution] of GDAL libraries, utilities, and many more for Linux and Windows systems. == List of utilities == One can find general overview in the `ReadMe.txt` file in the download package and collect more details from following resources: 1. OGR utilities - http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_utilities.html 2. GDAL utilities - http://www.gdal.org/gdal_utilities.html 3. MapServer CGI program is called mapserv.exe 4. TIFF tools (fax2tiff, gif2tiff, etc.), see at the bottom of http://remotesensing.org/libtiff/man/ 5. PROJ.4 tools - http://proj.maptools.org/man_proj.html - http://proj.maptools.org/man_cs2cs.html - http://proj.maptools.org/man_geod.html == List of libraries == ''TBD'' == Miscelany == If you are having error messages with the ArcSDE raster plugin (`gdal_sde.dll`) , you may need a different dll. Here's are new ones linked against FWTools1.3.9. (You'll need to manually rename it to be `gdal_SDE.dll`, depending on the version of ArcSDE you're using) http://iowa.hobu.biz/gdal_SDE_91.dll http://iowa.hobu.biz/gdal_SDE_92.dll == Using FWTools == * [wiki:FWToolsOnUSB FWTools on USB] - ever wanted your gdal toolkit ever-present, without having to install it? Here's how to get part of your "GIS on a Stick"