= FITS = [https://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_home.html FITS] is the standard data format used in Astronomy. It is endorsed by NASA and the International Astronomical Union. GDAL provides basic support of FITS via the [https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/fitsio.html CFITSIO] library (see the [http://gdal.org/frmt_various.html#FITS FITS driver documentation]). = Building with CFITSIO = == Linux == === From source === * Install CFITSIO headers from your distro (eg, cfitsio-devel on Fedora; libcfitsio-dev on Debian/Ubuntu) * Download the GDAL source in a gdal directory {{{ $ cd gdal/gdal $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure $ make -j8 -s $ sudo make install }}} Your config.log will contain the following (depending on your distribution and install): {{{ EXTRA_INCLUDES='-I/usr/include/cfitsio ' LIBS='-lcrypto -lexpat -ljasper -ljpeg -lgeotiff -ltiff -lpng -lcfitsio -lz -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl -lpcre' }}} === From distro (tested on Fedora and Debian/Ubuntu) === * Install CFITSIO headers from your distro (eg, cfitsio-devel on Fedora; libcfitsio-dev on Debian/Ubuntu) * Install GDAL from your distro (eg gdal-libs on Fedora; libgdal on Debian/Ubuntu) CFITSIO is automatically detected and linked (sometimes a reboot is needed). ==== NOTA BENE ==== If you are interested in using GDAL in python be aware that some users report conflicts between the conda gdal installation and the compilation from source on linux. == Mac OS X == GDAL installation on Mac OS X is described [https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/BuildingOnMac here]. The [http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/frameworks#gdal_complete last version of the .dmg] is not linked against CFITSIO. === From source === (''thanks to Susan Borda'') * Install CFITSIO as described in the [https://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/fitsio_macosx.html official documentation] * Download the GDAL source in a gdal directory {{{ $ cd gdal/gdal $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure $ make -j8 -s $ sudo make install }}}