
Version 5 (modified by Even Rouault, 11 years ago) ( diff )

fixes in geometry field description and clearer explanations for varint


This is a work-in-progress reverse-engineered specification of .gdbtable and .gdbtablx files found in FileGDB datasets.


ubyte: unsigned byte int16: little-endian 16-bit integer int32: little-endian 32-bit integer float64: little-endian 64-bit IEEE754 floating point number utf16: string in little-endian UTF-16 encoding string: (UTF-8 ?) string

A row or a feature are synonyms in this document.

Specification of .gdbtable files

.gdbtable files describe fields and contain row data.

They are made of an header, a section describing the fields, and a section describing the rows.

Header (40 bytes)

4 bytes 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 - unknown role. Constant among the files. Kind of signature ?
int32 number of (valid) rows
4 bytes varying values - unknown role
4 bytes 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 - unknown role. Constant among the files
4 bytes varying values - unknown role. Seems to be 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 for FGDB 10 files, but not for earlier versions
4 bytes 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 - unknown role. Constant among the files
int32 file size in bytes
4 bytes 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 - unknown role. Constant among the files
int32 offset in bytes at which the field description section begins, often (in FGDB 10) 0x28 0x00 0x00 0x00, i.e. 40
4 bytes 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 - unknown role. Constant among the files

Field description section

Fixed part

int32 size of header (this field excluded in bytes)
int32 version of the file ? Seems to be 3 for FGDB 9.X files and 4 for FGDB 10.X files
ubyte layer geometry type. 1 = point, 2 = multipoint, 3= (multi)polyline, 4 = (multi)polygon
3 bytes 0x03 0x00 0x00 - unknown role
int16 number of fields (including geometry field and implicit OBJECTID field)

Repeated part (per field)

Following immediately: the description of the fields (repeated as many times as the number of fields)

ubyte number of UTF-16 characters (not bytes) of the name of the field
utf16 name of the field
ubyte number of UTF-16 characters (not bytes) of the alias of the field. Might be 0
utf16 alias of the field (ommitted if previous field is 0)
ubyte 0x00
ubyte field type ( 0 = int16, 1 = int32, 2 = float32, 3 = float64, 4 = string, 5 = datetime, 6 = objectid, 7 = geometry, 8 = binary, 10 = ?, 11 = UUID, 12 = ? )

The next bytes for the field description depend on the field type.

For field type = 4 (string),

int32 maximum length of string
ubyte flag
ubyte unknown role

For field type = 6 (objectid),

ubyte unknown role = 4
ubyte unknown role = 2

For field type = 7 (geometry),

ubyte unknown role = 0
ubyte unknown role = 6 or 7
int16 length (in bytes) of the WKT string describing the SRS.
string WKT string describing the SRS Or "{B286C06B-0879-11D2-AACA-00C04FA33C20}" for no SRS .
ubyte "magic" (used after). Value is generally 5 or 7 (or 1 in system tables)
float64 xorigin
float64 yorigin
float64 xyscale
float64 zorigin (omitted if magic = 1)
float64 zscale (omitted if magic = 1)
float64 morigin (omitted if magic = 1 or 5)
float64 mscale (omitted if magic = 1 or 5)
float64 xytolerance
float64 ztolerance (omitted if magic = 1)
float64 mtolerance (omitted if magic = 1 or 5)
float64 xmin of layer extent (omitted if magic = 1)
float64 ymin of layer extent (omitted if magic = 1)
float64 xmax of layer extent (omitted if magic = 1)
float64 ymax of layer extent (omitted if magic = 1)

If magic > 1, there are extra bytes whose organization seems to comply to the following algorithm :

  1) Store current offset
  2) Skip one byte
  3) Read int32 value "magic2". 
      a) if magic2 = 0, then rewind to the stored offset and read 2 float64 (that happen to be NaN values). And then go to 2)
      b) otherwise (generally magic2 = 1 or magic2 = 3), skip magic2 x float64 values

For field type = 8 (binary),

ubyte unknown role
ubyte unknown role

For field type = 10, 11, 12,

ubyte width : 38
ubyte flag

For other field types,

ubyte width in bytes (e.g. 2 for int16, 4 for int32, 4 for float32, 8 for float64, 8 for datetime)
ubyte flag
ubyte unknown role

If the lsb of the flag field (when present) is set to 1, then the field can be null.

FIXME: find which byte is the flag field for geometry fields. They are supposed to be nullable for now.

Rows section

The rows section does not necessarily immediately follow the last field description. It starts generally a few bytes after, but not in a predictable way. Note : for FGDB layers created by the ESRI FGDB SDK API, there are 4 bytes between the end of the field description section and the beginning of the rows section : 0xDE 0xAD 0xBE 0xEF (!)

The rows section is a sequence of X rows (where X is the total number of features found in the .gdbtablx, which might be different from the number of valid rows found in the header of the .gdbtable). Each row starts at an offset indicated in the .gdbtablx file

Row description

int32 length in bytes of the row blob ( this field excluded)
ceil(number_nullable_fields / 8) * ubyte flags describing if a field is null. See below explanation

Null fields flags

Each bit of the flags field encode for the presence or absence of the field content, for a nullable field, for the row. The flag is set to 1 if the field is missing/null, or 0 if the field is present/non-null (0 is used as well for spare bytes). The flag for the first field, in the order of the fields of the field description section (typically the geometry), is the least significant bit of the first byte of the flags field.

There are no bits reserved for non-nullable fields.

If all fields are non-nullable, the flag field is absent.

Note: there's no explicit data for OBJECTID and no reserved flag bit for it.

For each non-null field, the field content is appended in the order of the fields of the field description section.

Field content

Geometry field

This field is generally called "SHAPE".

Geometry blobs use 2 new encoding schemes :

  • varuint (64 bit): a sequence of bytes [b0, b1, ... bN]. All bytes except last one have their msb (most significant bit) set to 1. The presence of a msb = 0 marks the end of the sequence. The value of the varuint is (b0 & 0x7F) | ((b1 & 0x7F) << 7) | ((b2 & 0x7F) << 14 | ... | (bN & 0x7F) << (7 * N). Note that a valid sequence might be just 1 byte.
  • varint (64 bit): same concept as varuint. But the 2nd most significant bit of b0 (i.e. the one obtained by masking with 0x40) indicates the sign of the result, and should be ignored in the computation of the unsigned value : (b0 & 0x3F) | ((b1 & 0x7F) << 6) | ((b2 & 0x7F) << 13 | ... | (bN & 0x7F) << (7 * N - 1). If the bit sign is set to 1, the value must be negated.
varuint length of the geometry blob in bytes (this field excluded)
ubyte geometry_type. 1 = 2D point, 3 = 2D (multi)linestring, 5 = 2D (multi)polygon. Other values possible. See SHPT_ enumaration of ogrpgeogeometry.h
For point geometries (geometry type = 1, 9, 21, 11)
varuint x = (varuint + xorigin * xyscale) / xyscale
varuint y = (varuint + yorigin * xyscale) / xyscale
varuint ( present only if Z component ) z = (varuint + zorigin * zscale) / zscale
varuint ( present only if M component ) m = (varuint + morigin * mscale) / mscale
For multipoint geometries (geometry type = 8, 20, 28, 18)
varuint number of points

followed by points coordinates:

  • First point (i = 0):
varuint x[0] = (varuint + xorigin * xyscale) / xyscale
varuint y[0] = (varuint + yorigin * xyscale) / xyscale
varuint ( present only if Z component ) z[0] = (varuint + zorigin * zscale) / zscale
varuint ( present only if M component ) m[0] = (varuint + morigin * mscale) / mscale
  • For each next point (i > 0) (with dx = dy = dz = dm = 0 at initialization):
varint dx = dx + varint. x[i] = x[0] + dx / xyscale
varint ( present only if Z component ) dz = dz + varint. z[i] = z[0] + dz / zscale
varint ( present only if Z component ) dm = dm + varint. m[i] = m[0] + dy / mscale
For (multi)linestring (geometry type = 3, 10, 23, 13) or (multi)polygon (geometry type = 5, 19, 25, 15)
varuint total number of points of all following parts
varuint number of parts, i.e. number of rings for (multi)polygon - inner and outer rings being at the same level, number of linestrings or a multilinestring, or 1 for a linestring)
varuint number of points of first part
... ...
varuint number of points of (number of parts - 1)th part (number of points of last part can be computed by substracting total number of points with the sum of the above numbers

followed by, for each part, points coordinates:

  • First point of first part :
varuint x[0] = (varuint + xorigin * xyscale) / xyscale
varuint y[0] = (varuint + yorigin * xyscale) / xyscale
varuint ( present only if Z component ) z[0] = (varuint + zorigin * zscale) / zscale
varuint ( present only if M component ) m[0] = (varuint + morigin * mscale) / mscale
  • For each next point (other points of the first part, or for all points of the following parts) :
varint dx = dx + varint. x[i] = x[0] + dx / xyscale
varint ( present only if Z component ) dz = dz + varint. z[i] = z[0] + dz / zscale
varint ( present only if Z component ) dm = dm + varint. m[i] = m[0] + dy / mscale


Number of bytes of the string as a varuint, followed by string content

Other types

a int16 value for a int16 field, a int32 for a int32 field, etc..

Note : datetime values are the number of days since 30th dec 1899 00:00:00, encoded as float64

Specification of .gdbtablx files

.gdbtablx files contain the offset of the rows of the associated .gdbtable file.

Header (16 bytes)

4 bytes 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 - unknown role. Constant among the files. Kind of signature ?
4 bytes 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 (for GDB 10?), 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 (for GDB 9?) - unknown role.
int32 number of rows, included deleted rows
4 bytes 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 - unknown role. Constant among the files. Kind of signature ?

Offset section

The section starts immediately after the header (at offset 16) and is made of 5 x number_rows bytes. For each row,

int32 offset of the beginning of the row in the .gdbtable file, or 0 if the row is deleted
ubyte constant to 0. unknown role

Padding section

A lot of bytes to 0.

Trailing section

The last few bytes look like 00 00 00 00 X 00 00 00 X 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 where X is non 0 (often 1). Unknown role

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