= Building On Unix with NetBeans IDE = The instructions below explain how to import GDAL building infrastructure to [http://www.netbeans.org/ NetBeans IDE] to be able to build GDAL directly from the IDE. Tested with NetBeans IDE 6. Thanks to Ivan Lucena who originally [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2009-January/019655.html posted] them on the mailing list. * Main Form: 1. Select File/New Project * New Project wizard dialog: 1. Choose Project * Category: C/C++ * Projects: C/C++ Project From Existing Code * Click on "Next >" 2. Build Tool: * Select "Using existing makefile" * Browse or type the full path for the main GNUmakefile. Alternatively, select "Using a makefile generate by a 'configure' script. ''Note'': I never used that options since I already run ./configure from the command line but that could a a good way to go too. 3. Build actions: * Working Directory:
* Build command: make * Clean command: make clean 4. Source files: * Click on "Add Folder:
5. Code assistance configuration: * Select "Automatic configuration" 6. Project Name and location * Note: Those path doesn't need to be GDAL folder path That is it.