
Version 5 (modified by Even Rouault, 16 years ago) ( diff )


Building On Unix With Minimized Drivers

TODO: This Wiki article is under construction -- mloskot

In the meantime, here is shortcut to ./configure options disabling driver and features that can be safely disabled:

./configure  --prefix=/usr/local \
            --with-threads \
            --with-ogr \
            --with-geos \
            --without-libtool \
            --with-libz=internal \
            --with-libtiff=internal \
            --with-geotiff=internal \
            --without-gif \
            --without-pg \
            --without-grass \
            --without-libgrass \
            --without-cfitsio \
            --without-pcraster \
            --without-netcdf \
            --without-png \
            --without-jpeg \
            --without-gif \
            --without-ogdi \
            --without-fme \
            --without-hdf4 \
            --without-hdf5 \
            --without-jasper \
            --without-ecw \
            --without-kakadu \
            --without-mrsid \
            --without-jp2mrsid \
            --without-bsb \
            --without-grib \
            --without-mysql \
            --without-ingres \
            --without-xerces \
            --without-expat \
            --without-odbc \
            --without-curl \
            --without-sqlite3 \
            --without-dwgdirect \
            --without-panorama \
            --without-idb \
            --without-sde \
            --without-perl \
            --without-php \
            --without-ruby \
            --without-python \
            --without-ogpython \

Additionnaly, if you apply the below patch, you'll get a very minimal GDAL with only GeoTIFF, Imagine HFA, Raw, and VRT support for the raster part, and Shapefile for the vector part.

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