== Building GDAL using Android NDK on Linux == ''' Warning! this is still a work in progress! ''' This procedure was developed on a Linux system using Android NDK r5b. First, a standalone toolchain is created to make the configure script easier to use. (See android-ndk-r5b/docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html for more details) {{{ ~$ android-ndk-r5b/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh --platform=android-8 --install-dir=android-8-toolchain }}} Next, the toolchain's bin directory is added to the PATH. {{{ ~$ export PATH=$PATH:~/android-8-toolchain/bin/ }}} From the GDAL source directory, configure for cross compiling and make. {{{ gdal$ CC="arm-linux-androideabi-gcc" CXX="arm-linux-androideabi-g++" \ CFLAGS="-mthumb" CXXFLAGS="-mthumb" LIBS="-lsupc++ -lstdc++" ./configure --host=arm-linux-eabi --without-grib gdal$ make }}} == Next steps == * check if resulting libs are usable. * build and adapt the Java swig bindings to expose GDAL to the Java portion of an Android application.