Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of ADAGUC

Aug 22, 2008, 6:18:55 AM (16 years ago)




    v12 v13  
    33The ADAGUC netCDF driver reads and writes files which comply with the ADAGUC Data Products Standard [ ADAGUC website] (Atmospheric Data Access for the Geospatial User Community). ADAGUC files are created by using the NetCDF4 API. The NetCDF4 API has the ability to store files in the HDF5 file format while remaining backwards compatible with previous versions of netCDF. The ADAGUC driver supports the creation of NetCDF3 and NetCDF4 files. In NetCDF3 mode the driver writes NetCDF files, in NetCDF4 mode the driver writes HDF5 files. ADAGUC netCDF files follow the Climate and Forecast (CF) 1.2 and ISO:19115 metadata conventions. Besides these conventions the format provides space for specific product metadata.
    44== The file structure ==
    5 The ADAGUC internal file structure contains variables which can be subdivided in three types: variables to store the metadata, variables to store the dimension scales and variables to store the data. A schematic overview of the ADAGUC file structure for the different types is given in the figure of the file structure (figure below on the left). The three types of variables (metadata, dimension scales and data) are indicated with A, B and C respectively.
     5The ADAGUC internal file structure contains variables which can be subdivided in three types: variables to store the metadata, variables to store the dimension scales and variables to store the data. A schematic overview of the ADAGUC file structure for the different types is given in the file structure figure (below on the left). The three types of variables (metadata, dimension scales and data) are indicated with A, B and C respectively.
    2323Creation options can be used to provide additional metadata and set the behavior of the driver. Metadata attributes set as a creation option override already existing metadata attributes.
    25 '''METANCML''' – It is possible to provide additional metadata which is stored in an NcML XML file. The attributes from the groups product, iso_dataset, projection and custom are copied. When the name of the dataset is specified in the product::variables attribute, specific dataset attributes can be placed under the group with the name of the dataset. For example: -co “METANCML=NcMLMetadataFile.xml”
     25'''METANCML''' – It is possible to provide additional metadata which is stored in an NcML XML file. The attributes from the groups product, iso_dataset, projection and custom are copied. When the name of the dataset is specified in the product::variables attribute, specific dataset attributes can be placed under the group with the name of the dataset. A sample file is inluded in the sample ADAGUC zip file (see section sample ADAGUC file).
    27 '''FORCENC3''' – When set to true, the NetCDF4 driver writes in NetCDF3 mode. When unspecified the value is FALSE, in this case the driver writes in NetCDF4 mode. For example: {{{-co “FORCENC3=TRUE”
     27'''FORCENC3''' – When set to true, the NetCDF4 driver writes in NetCDF3 mode. When unspecified the value is FALSE, in this case the driver writes in NetCDF4 mode.
    2929'''VALSTART''' and '''VALSTOP''' – Overwrites the product validity_start and product validity_stop attributes in the product group.