Opened 9 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#6230 closed task (wontfix)

Fix spelling as much as possible

Reported by: Kurt Schwehr Owned by: Kurt Schwehr
Priority: normal Milestone: closed_because_of_github_migration
Component: default Version: unspecified
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: k.dejong@…


This ticket is mostly to describe how to find spelling mistakes. The simplest way for me to is in emacs to highlight a region and use M-$ ( or M-x ispell-region). Lots of other editors have ways to spell check code.

To get a list of the spelling errors possibly fixed in a change, you can start with this:

Error: Failed to load processor bash
No macro or processor named 'bash' found


Error: Failed to load processor bash
No macro or processor named 'bash' found
Error: Failed to load processor bash
No macro or processor named 'bash' found

Change History (9)

comment:1 by Kurt Schwehr, 9 years ago

comment:2 by Kurt Schwehr, 9 years ago

comment:3 by Even Rouault, 9 years ago

I've upstreamed r31724 changes in libtiff and libgeotiff

comment:4 by Even Rouault, 9 years ago

Cc: k.dejong@… added

Kor, r31724 contains typo fixes for libcsf. What is the procedure to submit changes for upstream libcsf ? Hum I see we have also pushed a few libcsf changes in r31434 (other typo fixes) and r31640 ( -Wshorten-64-to-32 related warning fixes)

comment:5 by Kurt Schwehr, 9 years ago

rouault, Thanks for upstreaming the lib*tiff stuff. There are also fixes in zlib, libqhull, degrib, hdf-eos, pcidsk, mitab that should be upstreamed. And there will be more. I was going to power through the rest of the list of possible spelling fixes, and was thinking that it would be good to batch those all up for upstreams. I'm sure some fixes will get lost in updates, but this is nice big just forward even if not perfect.

I looked at swig and the head of master for swig no longer has the "aquires" typos.

I am avoiding most of the actual code changes from spelling right now. And there are far fewer mispelling in variable, function and method names.

Oh... and another handy tr command:

Error: Failed to load processor bash
No macro or processor named 'bash' found

in reply to:  4 comment:6 by kdejong, 9 years ago

Replying to rouault:

Kor, r31724 contains typo fixes for libcsf. What is the procedure to submit changes for upstream libcsf ? Hum I see we have also pushed a few libcsf changes in r31434 (other typo fixes) and r31640 ( -Wshorten-64-to-32 related warning fixes)

Hi Even, Thanks for letting me know. I will make sure the updates are merged into upstream libcsf.

comment:7 by Kurt Schwehr, 9 years ago

Error: Failed to load processor bash
No macro or processor named 'bash' found
Version 1, edited 9 years ago by Kurt Schwehr (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:8 by Kurt Schwehr, 8 years ago

Next tasks

  • Make a search of the words already fixed to see where they still exist (my previous searches were not perfect)
  • Upstream changes to code bases that are included in the GDAL tree (e.g. degrib, dgn, giflib, hdf-eos, libcsf, libgeotif, libjpeg, libjson, libqhull, libtif, pcidsk, zip)

comment:9 by Even Rouault, 5 years ago

Milestone: closed_because_of_github_migration
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This ticket has been automatically closed because Trac is no longer used for GDAL bug tracking, since the project has migrated to GitHub. If you believe this ticket is still valid, you may file it to if it is not already reported there.

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