Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #1969

Nov 6, 2007, 7:50:36 AM (17 years ago)

I'm rewriting the main description to capture what I believe the problem is. The original report was:

""" We have a connection to an Oracle 10g Database via unixODBC and Oracle InstantClient?. The database user has not been assigned to the database schema. 'ogrinfo ODBC:user/pass@dsn,table table' did show us the table structure (fields), but the sql query 'select * from table' did return no results, because the schema name is missing. If we insert the option '-sql "select * from schema.table", we get the results.

For the moment we have soluted that case with an oracle internal workaround, but it would be nice to have a schema support in ogr. """

Turning over to Mateusz to handle as time permits. This is likely to be a substantial amount of work, so I'm not going to make it "1.5.0" milestone. Great care should be made in a schema upgrade to not alter behavior in cases that are working now. That is, we don't want folks who upgrade to suddenly find that all layer names are now prefixed with a schema if it isn't necessary.

Dropping Ivan off the cc: list since this isn't really very oracle specific.


  • Ticket #1969

    • Property Cc warmerdam added
    • Property Component defaultOGR_SF
    • Property Summary schema support for Oracle ODBCschema support for OGR ODBC
    • Property Priority normallow
    • Property Owner changed from warmerdam to Mateusz Łoskot
  • Ticket #1969 – Description

    initial v3  
    1 We have a connection to an Oracle 10g Database via unixODBC and Oracle InstantClient. The database user has not been assigned to the database schema.
    2 'ogrinfo ODBC:user/pass@dsn,table table' did show us the table structure (fields), but the sql query 'select * from table' did return no results, because the schema name is missing. If we insert the option '-sql "select * from schema.table", we get the results.
     1The OGR ODBC driver appears to ignore schema names.  In a database with particular schemas it is necessary to segregate the results from SQLColumns() based on the schema, and to include the schema when doing sql queries (eg. 'select * from schema.tablename').
    4 For the moment we have soluted that case with an oracle internal workaround, but it would be nice to have a schema support in ogr.
     3Changes will be required to the cpl_odbc code in gdal/port, and to the OGR ODBC driver to handle such situations properly.  The problem can occur with Oracle via ODBC, but presumably it can also occur with other databases supporting schemas.