Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Widgets

Apr 3, 2008, 3:06:09 AM (16 years ago)

Automated wiki documentation upload


  • Widgets

    v2 v3  
    10  [wiki:About]::
     10 [wiki:Widgets/About]::
    1111   This widget displays information about the application including the license and copyright information retrieved from a URL set as a parameter
     14 [wiki:Widgets/ActivityIndicator]::
     15   AcitivityIndicator is a widget that shows or hides its DOM element based on whether the map widget is busy or not. The map widget becomes busy when loading maps, reloading maps or redrawing layers.
     18 [wiki:Widgets/Buffer]::
     19   This widget will perform a buffering operation on selected features in the Map.  Either a popup window or the task pane will be used to gather user input, depending on the setting of the Target parameter
     22 [wiki:Widgets/BufferPanel]::
     23   This widget will perform a buffering operation on selected features in the Map.  Either a popup window or the task pane will be used to gather user input, depending on the setting of the Target parameter
     26 [wiki:Widgets/CTRLClick]::
     27   Launch a window with a CTRL click if a URL expression is set on the layer
     30 [wiki:Widgets/CenterSelection]::
     31   Center the current selection, if any, but maintain the current scale if possible. Zoom out if not
     34 [wiki:Widgets/ClearSelection]::
     35   Clears the current selection
     38 [wiki:Widgets/ColorPicker]::
     39   The user can pick from a palette of web-safe colors or enter a hex value
     42 [wiki:Widgets/CursorPosition]::
     43   Provides dynamic cursor tracking as it moves over the map
     46 [wiki:Widgets/EditableScale]::
     47   This widget displays the map scale and provides a way for the user to enter a scale value at which to display the map
     50 [wiki:Widgets/ExtentHistory]::
     51   A widget to navigate forward or backward in the map view extent history
     54 [wiki:Widgets/Help]::
     55   Outputs a user help page
     58 [wiki:Widgets/InitialMapView]::
     59   A widget that will zoom the map to the full extents
     62 [wiki:Widgets/InvokeScript]::
     63   A widget to execute arbitrary javascript
     66 [wiki:Widgets/InvokeURL]::
     67   A widget to call up a URL into the TaskPane, a new window or HTML element. The map name and Session ID are automatically added to the URL, as well as any additional parameters specifed
     70 [wiki:Widgets/Legend]::
     71   A widget that displays a listing of all layers that make up the map as a tree structure
     74 [wiki:Widgets/LinkToView]::
     75   Displays a hyperlink to the current view of the application
     78 [wiki:Widgets/MapMenu]::
     79   A widget that displays a list of maps that can be loaded into the application
     82 [wiki:Widgets/Maptip]::
     83   A widget to display information about features under the mouse as it hovers over the map
     86 [wiki:Widgets/Measure]::
     87   A widget that allows measurements to be made on the map
     90 [wiki:Widgets/Navigator]::
     91   In-map navigator widget
     94 [wiki:Widgets/OverviewMap]::
     95   A key map to locate the vewing area of the primary map
     98 [wiki:Widgets/Pan]::
     99   Pans the map
     102 [wiki:Widgets/PanOnClick]::
     103   Pans the map in the specified diretion on a click
     106 [wiki:Widgets/PanQuery]::
     107   A widget that combines pan and query actions.  If the mouse did not move, a query is issued, otherwise a pan is performed
     110 [wiki:Widgets/Print]::
     111   Produces a printable version of the page
     114 [wiki:Widgets/RefreshMap]::
     115   A widget that redraws the map
     118 [wiki:Widgets/SaveMap]::
     119   A widget to save the map as an image
     122 [wiki:Widgets/Scalebar]::
     123   Outputs a cartographic scalebar
     126 [wiki:Widgets/Search]::
     127   A widget which will perform an attribute based search
     130 [wiki:Widgets/Select]::
     131   A widget that allows selection of features on a map
     134 [wiki:Widgets/SelectPolygon]::
     135   Perform a selection using a polygon
     138 [wiki:Widgets/SelectRadius]::
     139   Perform a selection within a certain radius of a click
     142 [wiki:Widgets/SelectRadiusValue]::
     143   A widget to allow the user can manually enter a radius for the SelectRadius widget
     146 [wiki:Widgets/SelectWithin]::
     147   A widget to perform a selection within a currently selected set of features
     150 [wiki:Widgets/SelectionInfo]::
     151   Displays the number of features and number of layers in the current selection.
     154 [wiki:Widgets/SelectionPanel]::
     155   The SelectionPanel widget displays attributes for the features that are selected on the map.
     158 [wiki:Widgets/TaskPane]::
     159   A widget that acts as a workspace for widgets that require user input/output, e.g. InvokeURL, Buffer, Search, etc. widgets
     162 [wiki:Widgets/ViewOptions]::
     163   A widget to allow selection of the display units for various widgets
     166 [wiki:Widgets/ViewSize]::
     167   Display the size of the current view in user-definable units
     170 [wiki:Widgets/Zoom]::
     171   Zooms in on the map
     174 [wiki:Widgets/ZoomOnClick]::
     175   Zoom the map by a fixed amount when a button is clicked
     178 [wiki:Widgets/ZoomToSelection]::
     179   A widget that will zoom the map to the currently selected features