Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Cookbook/Map/Query

Jun 6, 2008, 4:51:18 AM (16 years ago)



  • Cookbook/Map/Query

    v1 v2  
    1212The options parameter to Map.query is an object that contains some of the following attributes:
    14  * persistent
    15  * geometry
    16  * maxFeatures
    17  * layers
    18  * selectionType
    19  * filter
    20  * extendSelection
    21  * computedProperties
    22  *
     14 persistent::
     15   boolean, default is ''true''.  Determines if the features selected by the query will be persistent beyond this query - i.e. they will stay on the map until the user clears the query results.
     16 geometry::
     17   string, default is '' (no geometry).  A Well Known Text string that defines the geometry to restrict the query to.  The acceptable WKT format for geometries that work with this method are:
     18 * POLYGON((x y, x y, x y, ...))
     19 * LINESTRING(x y, x y, x y, ...)
     20 * POINT(x y)
     21 maxFeatures::
     22   integer, the default is 0 (no maximum).  This restricts the query to return only a certain number of results.  '''MapGuide only at this time, although there is no reason why it couldn't be implemented for MapServer too'''
     23 layers::
     24  string, default is '' (do not limit to specific layers).  This is a comma separated list of layer names to restrict the query to, often used to limit queries a single layer.
     25 selectionType::
     26   string, default is 'INTERSECTS'.  This controls how the server interacts with the ''geometry'' property.  '''Not sure what other selectionTypes there are, need to research this'''
     27 filter::
     28   string, default is '' (no filter).  This is an SQL WHERE clause style string (attribute = 'value', attribute <= number) that is used to limit features in a query.  '''MapGuide only at this time.  MapServer supports attribute queries but not in the same way as MapGuide - and MapServer doesn't have a way of combining both geometry and filter at this time'''
     29 extendSelection::
     30  boolean, default is false.  This controls whether the current query will extend the current result set or replace it.  '''MapGuide only at this time'''
     31 computedProperties::
     32   boolean, default is false.  This controls whether to compute additional properties about the geometries of the features that are in the result set, including perimeter and area of polygons, lengths of lines etc.